reflection Interschutz
A lot of informative discussions, new and existing contacts, and of course some new developments in our portfolio were enriching our stand also this year. From the first day we were overwhelmed by the tremendous feed back for our appearance. Of course this encouraged us to continue due to our MicroCAFS philosophy and cover the needs of our customers.
Starting with our reliable extinguishers, modular units and fixed installations, continuing with vehicle mounted units and special duty vehicles, as example the robot with CAFS were presented. The MicroCAFS portfolio is covering almost all applications now. Innovative developments as start up with composite extinguishing pressure tanks are providing wide ranged advantages for the future.
Please let us convince you of our innovative and high efficient extinguishing technology and request us.
- MicroCAFS goes west
- upgrade
- reflection Interschutz
- 15 years MicroCAFS !
- New composite vessels