rapid intervention module
Short description
The module contains the patented MicroCAFS mixing valve, the pneumatic air control valve and the patented MicroCAFS CMS control. As an option, the air regulation valve could be directly connected to the vehicle CAN Bus, if there is a change made in the programming by the vehicle manufacturer.
The water/foam mix is provided by a positive pressure proportioning System (PPPS). Optionally a premixed is delivered from a fire pump to the module.
Controlled by the patented MicroCAFS CMS and the air control valve the compressed air is delivered to the patented MicroCAFS mixing valve. There is a switch for two different CAFS qualities. Compressed air is preadjusted by a pressure reducer to a maximum level of 10 bar.
From our tactical view we urgently suggest to implement this concept only for rapid intervention vehicles or vehicles dedicated for only one nozzle, when a limited period of working time is acceptable. For standard call out vehicles which should cover almost every tactical requirement, a sufficient long term air supply by compressor is mandatory to support at least three nozzles, each 400 l/min, due to our experience.
- low cost by hp air cylinders
- low technical effort
- low weight
- rapid intervention module
- premixed skid units